Oxygen Bundle
Oxygen Bundle
Oxygen Bundle
$ 200
• For Ember™ Sport owners
• Adds oxygen saturation (SpO2)
with gold standard Masimo SET®
pulse oximetry and oxygen content (OC)

Oxygen Saturation

The amount of hemoglobin that is saturated with oxygen expressed as a percentage (%). At rest you should be greater than 95% oxygen saturated and after an intense workout you may go less than 85%.

Why Measure:

The lower your SpO2 the less effective your muscles and tissues are for performance. Tracking your SpO2 with specific activities throughout the day with Ember may help you understand the quality of your oxygen exchange.

Oxygen Content

The total amount of oxygen bound to hemoglobin. This value is derived from your hemoglobin and oxygen saturation levels in millilitres per decilitre of oxygen (ml/dl). At rest values can range between 15.2 - 23 ml/dl. By tracking this number with Ember, you may discover that you have better endurance and performance when your OC is trending higher. OC values only display with measurements that used hemoglobin credits.

Why Measure:

By tracking this number with Ember, you may discover that you have better endurance and performance when your OC is trending higher. If you are significantly below your 30 day average for OC then you may not be fresh enough for a personal best.

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